Summit Survey Findings and Announcement

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Future of Convenings Webinar and to those who completed our Future of Convenings Survey.

We are pleased to share the results of those consultations in the following report:

AOC Executive Summary Convenings Consultations 2024 EN

The insights in this report highlight the importance of community, inclusivity, and innovation in our convenings. Given the numerous findings and AOC’s own internal capacity at present, we have the decision to postpone the annual Summit by one year in order to implement these findings, as well as to explore the potential of joint conferencing with another national arts service organization.

Convenings have become challenging activities for many arts service organizations, evidenced by a string of recent cancellation notices (Ontario Contact, Orchestras Canada, ONN, etc).

These cancellations only heighten the need and demand for precious in-person time for members across this vast country, and we keenly look towards 2025/26 to bring us together once again.

Until that time, we will be holding a regional roundtable meeting with our Quebec members in Montreal at the end of September, our AGM virtually in November, and will continue to program Canadian networking opportunities with our international partners, including OPERA America’s Opera Conference in Memphis in May 2025.