International Explainer: What is Ópera Latinoamérica?

Ópera Latinoamérica (OLA) is a network that brings together theatres, companies and festivals in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Founded in Chile in 2007, OLA is a private non-profit association made up of more than 40 organisations, companies, festivals and theatres from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Spain, Mexico, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Its purpose is to promote the classical performing arts in the Ibero-American region and the Caribbean through networking, training and education, internationalisation, collaborative economy practices, open knowledge and associative production, thus generating an international community.

Its vision is to be the bridge between Latin American opera and the world, in a network of support, dissemination and reference for opera in Latin America, both for theatres in the region and abroad.

Ópera Latinoamérica is legally constituted under Chilean law since July 2017, is based in Santiago de Chile and has more than 40 members from 12 countries.

What they do

OLA is focused on supporting the development and dissemination of the lyrical networking of Latin American theatres, offering its members:


OLA is made up of theatres, companies and festivals of different scales and countries of origin and with varied backgrounds. The essence of networking is that the associated organisations generate relationships of trust and collaboration that allow them to nurture each other by exchanging good practices in different areas of management and developing joint projects. In different instances of work, OLA articulates these links and puts in contact the professionals of different areas of the entities members of the network. (Link of Who we are)


OLA has developed networking forums between theatres which are opportunities for theatre teams to connect with each other, generate business networks and share good practices, thus helping the professionalisation of theatre teams. The current forums are: marketing, fundraising, technical and artistic programming.


Part of our communication development includes highlighting Latin American artistic heritage through the development of specialised sections such as Opera and other herbs and The theatre of the month, among other initiatives. Through OLA’s communication channels, website, social networks and newsletter to a specialised database of 8,000 contacts in theatres around the world, OLA’s communications team regularly communicates the news of its associates. 


OLA conferences are held once a year and bring together member theatres to discuss issues concerning the network. They take place in different theatres in Latin America to showcase the hosts, present their work and local talents.

Among other topics, during the meetings the objectives and challenges of the association and management of the member theatres are discussed. The meetings aim to be the instance in which the promotion and circulation of information is carried out; agreements and co-productions are managed; topics to be discussed in future forums are defined and professional training of the different workers and representatives of the theatres is defined.
