AOC remains active in federal government advocacy.
As part of the Canadian Arts Coalition Steering Committee, Executive Director Christina Loewen helps to shape national cross-sector advocacy efforts. We also work specifically on behalf of the opera sector, advocating for the changes we need to remain resilient.
Titled Road to Reopening AOC’s Fall 2021 pre-budget submission brings forward the following recommendations:
Tailored Wage, Fixed Expense and Basic Income Support
Whereas the arts and cultural sector is one of Canada’s hardest hit sectors and has experienced ongoing and pronounced contractions in GDP and job losses, that the Government of Canada consider a sector-specific, tailored program in support of wages and other fixed costs through to the re-opening of the opera sector in early 2022. This support program should also include basic income support for artists, our sector’s essential and most vulnerable workers who are predominantly self-employed and who will also need basic support now and through to re-opening in 2022.
Support for Innovation, Resilience, Sustainability and Equity
That the Government of Canada invest in the rebuilding of a more resilient, innovative, equitable and sustainable arts sector. This could be achieved in several ways including through well-funded stand-alone project support, through a cross-ministerial approach that appreciates the fact that arts touch our lives in many ways, or through a re-contextualization of existing programs of support for the arts sector through the Department of Canadian Heritage.
Capitalization Strategy for Financial Resilience
We recommend a federal donation matching fund to match all levels of organizational giving to incentivize and build all forms of capital including deficit elimination, working, risk and growth capital, in addition to the existing Endowment Incentives, which currently excludes small and mid-sized organizations that cannot meet the Endowment minimum thresholds.
To read the full submission: https://www.opera.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/AOC-Pre-Budget-Submission-August-2021-1.pdf