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Current Advocacy News

Relief for Opera Artist Members (ROAM) Program

The Association for Opera in Canada (AOC) is proud to support opera artists through the Relief for Opera Artist Members (ROAM) Program. Designed to break down financial barriers, ROAM provides flexible membership options, ensuring artists can access critical resources, networking…

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A Busy Week in Ottawa: Arts Day on the Hill and “Confluence”

Executive Director Christina Loewen reflects on a week of convenings in Ottawa Nov 19-22, 2025 Two weeks ago was a whirlwind in Ottawa featuring not one but three incredible gatherings focused on the arts sector. First up was the Canadian…

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Land Acknowledgement
and Indigenous Resources

The Association for Opera in Canada is committed to Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Anti-racism.

Beyond statements of solidarity, we demonstrate our commitments through action. Last year, we undertook a thorough revision and re-articulation our anti-harassment policy, are a signatory to the Respectful Arts Workplaces Code of Conduct:, and deliver many programs in equity, inclusion and diversity for members and their boards of directors.

One of our newest actions is the development of a new Indigenous-led Guidance for the Opera Sector on Land Acknowledgements, with important insights on why we do them, and resources for further education.

Land Acknowledgement Resource for the Opera Sector in Canada

We are grateful for the work of Rebecca Cuddy, Métis mezzo-soprano who developed this guidance during the summer of 2020. The guide includes definitions, pronunciation guides, as well as land acknowledgements for every region in Canada. It is designed so that every company in Canada may engage in thoughtful reflection as they develop authenticity, accountability, and humility in their land acknowledgments.

Land Acknowlegment Resource

The Association for Opera in Canada Land Acknowledgement

Our offices are located in Toronto, Ontario, also known as T’karonto which in Kanien’kéha (Mohawk Language) means, ‘the place in the water where the trees are standing’. It is a privilege for us to work, live and play on the traditional lands of the Wendat ‘People of the Island’, the Anishinaabe ‘Original People’, Haudenosaunee ‘People of the Longhouse’ and the Mississaugas of the New Credit ‘River of the north of many mouths’. Toronto is now an international hub, with many diverse people who call this place home. That being said, we recognize, support and celebrate the enduring presence of Indigenous Peoples on this land.

Furthermore, as the Association is a national company, we extend this gratitude to the many Nations across Turtle Island. We will not lose sight of the fact that land acknowledgements exist as a small step in the process towards truth and reconciliation. However, there cannot be reconciliation before there is truth. We recognize the historical and continued oppression of lands, cultures and the Indigenous Nations in Canada. We commit to continue learning, educating and healing with our kin. We believe in the strength of the arts to aid us in creating a better world for us all.




We provide a united voice to governments and policy makers at all levels. Through ongoing relationship building, networking and appropriate non-partisan interventions, we ensure that the interests of its members and the broader Canadian opera sector are understood and considered. Through various initiatives, we raise the profile of the Canadian opera sector with its various stakeholders, including funders, opera audiences and the general public.

Parliamentary Submissions

Online Resources

Additional OPERA America member login information may be required to access these links. If you are a current member and do not know your OPERA America login information, please contact member services at

Releases & Policies

Annual Reports

Strategic Plans and Related Documents

Guides to Professional Company Membership

Constitution and Bylaws

Membership Manuals

Partnership Guidelines

Harassment Policy Harassment Policy Sept 2019

As well, we are a signatory to the Cultural Human Resources Council’s Code of Conduct for Safe Workspaces.


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