Who we Are

The voice of opera in Canada


Executive Director: Christina Loewen

Director, Communications and Member Services: Rasha Masalkhi

Social Media Associate: Ryan McDonald

Donors $499 and under

Marie-Annick Beliveau
Dean Burry
Lara Ciekievicz
Richard Cook
Victor Davies
Aaron Durand
Margaret Genovese
Michael Gray
Patrick Hansen
Sandra Horst
Chantal Lambert
Lorna McDonald
Brendan Mckeen
Robert Milne
Amy Mushinksi
Rebecca Paulding
Francis Price
Jean-Pierre Primiani
Barbara Scales
Robert Vineberg

Donors $500 and over

Christina Loewen
Bruce Munro Wright
Ian Rye
Robin Whiffen

Sponsors $499 and under

Against the Grain Theatre
Domoney Artists Management
Skybridge Strategies

Sponsors $500 and over

Canadian Opera Company
Manitoba Opera
Pacific Opera Victoria
re:Naissance Opera
Vancouver Opera



Azrieli Foundation
The George Cedric Metcalf Charitable Foundation

Public Funders

Canada Council for the Arts
City of Vancouver
Department of Canadian Heritage
Global Affairs Canada – CanExport Associations
Government of Canada
Ontario Arts Council
Vancouver Civic Theatres